This week’s Top 3: Content and your mood

Hello! Why does the middle of January always feel like it lasts about 2 months? I’m sitting freezing in Scotland in January, but at least it’s Friday! I’m loving all the inspiring and interesting content and links being shared at the moment. So, I thought I would share my Top 3 links for this week.

Connected: What do we mean when we say TV?

This is a really interesting piece of research, highlighting just how many of our decisions are best on our mood. Specifically, what shows we like to watch and how that is determined by our mood. The study highlights that 63% of people interviewed describe good content as something personal and relevant.

The ability to watch YouTube on Smart TVs is connecting parents to their children. To me, this shows a move from children watching YouTube on iPads, and more commonly sharing content with their families via Smart TVs. This also represents a change in our perceptions of TVs. Rather than a simple way to watch live TV, it’s an extended device to the tech we have access to.

How are Children’s Issues Portrayed in the News? A Media content analysis

My next link comes from Frameworks UK, a not for profit organisation that has the goal of shaping the conversation to create social change. I recently attended a workshop with their team on determinants of health. The workshop looked at how we frame issues and ways to make a bigger impact. It’s a really interesting way to stop and reflect on whether we are framing our work. The context of our campaign or content will have unintended consequences of how people perceive our work.

I am still looking even deeper into their amazing resources and tools - and I think you should take a look too!

Coaching Is A Rapidly Expanding Opportunity Space For Freelancers

Finally, my last link for you is this Forbes News Article. Jon Younger explores the rapid move to Freelancing (a decision I am currently working through), and the opportunities for supporting those like me. I have had the experience of coaching in the form of a Personal Trainer which worked wonders for progress and accountability. As I join the world of Freelance, I have reached out to Edinburgh Napier University’s Bright Red Triangle Business Incubator for support in my new venture. Napier Alumni, I encourage you all to touch base with their amazing team.

I am currently working with Victoria, who has recently launched a Newsletter with some amazing content and inspiration. Check out her Twitter as well - @VicsWith and website WITH VICS for coaching and support for Freelancers.

That’s it from me! Thank you for taking the time to explore what I’m scrolling through this week. I hope to share more soon!




How important is collaboration to success?


My first Top 5: Learning from my first digital content development